VNS3 VPN Client tools

Cohesive Networks provides a GUI interface application for managing your Wireguard VPN connections to VNS3 Controller.


GUI Client: Version 1.0

Mac M1DownloadMonterey +
Mac IntelDownloadBig Sur +
WindowsDownloadWindows 10

Previous Releases (0.1.2)

Mac M1DownloadMonterey +
Mac IntelDownloadBig Sur +
WindowsDownloadWindows 10

Note: For command line users, see Non-GUI section below

GUI Client Quick Start

Create a VPN connection

  1. From the main screen, click the plus sign (+) on the bottom left of the window
  2. Enter the details for your new connection
  3. Import your connection details from a file, by pasting directly, or with a valid URL to the VNS3 clientpack provided by the VNS3 Administrator
  4. Click Save

Review Connection logs

  1. From connection Actions dropdown, select Details
  2. Click Logs button at the bottom of the window
  3. Logs are copy and pastable. Be sure to hold down your click when dragging to highlight the log section to copy

Stopping/Starting/Deleting a Connection

  1. Click on the Actions dropdown on the right.

Mac Logs

  • installs to /Applications
  • App log @ $HOME/Library/Logs/CohesiveNetVPN/app.log
  • App background process log @ /var/log/cohesivenet-spool-stdout.log
  • App background process error log @ /var/log/cohesivenet-spool-stderr.log
  • App background process unprocessed tasks @ /var/spool/cohesivenet/
  • App background process processed tasks @ /tmp/cohesivenet/

Windows Logs

  • installs to C:\Program Files\Cohesive Networks VPN Manager
  • App log @ $HOME/AppData/Local/Cohesive/Logs/app.log
  • Connection logs @ $HOME/AppData/Local/Cohesive/Logs/[connection name].log
  • If there is an issue with a wireguard clientpack, sometimes the wireguard service will provide no feedback. This can result in your connection flipping between “Connected” and “Connecting” and “Disconnected”. We will be updating the client shortly to show an error when this is the case. Currently this behavior will be reviewable from the logs.

CNVPN (Non-GUI) Clients

Precompiled Application

Download a precompiled CNVPN command line client application.

Mac M1(coming)Monterey +
Mac IntelDownloadBig Sur +
WindowsDownloadWindows 10

Python Client

Note: Install Wireguard first on your machine -

$ pip install
# the cnvpn executable will be installed in your pythons bin folder. To ensure it is in your path, see below for options.
$ cnvpn --help

CNVPN non-GUI client provides functions to start, stop and show information on VPN connnections.

$ cnvpn start -clientpack clientpack.conf -n [connection name]
$ cnvpn save -clientpack clientpack.conf -n [connection name] 
$ cnvpn stop -n [connection name]
$ cnvpn delete [connection name]
$ cnvpn show [connection name]
$ cnvpn list [--names [name1] [name2]]
$ cnvpn logs -n [name] [-f/--tail] [-l/--lines (integer)]
$ cnvpn inspect

Environment variables:
CNVPN_WG_DIR=/path/to/wireguard/ OR 'local' - Where to store wireguard confs. such as wg installation dir. If local, will store local to data directory.
CNVPN_DATA_DIR=/my/data - Where to store connection data. Default: [User home]/.cohesive (~/.cohesive) .
CNVPN_WG_PATH=/path/to/wg - Path to 'wg' executable. Default: wg (assumes in path)
CNVPN_WG_QUICK_PATH=/path/to/wg-quick - Path to 'wg-quick' executable. Default: wg-quick (assumes in path)
CNVPN_AUTO_DISCOVER_INTERFACE=(False/True) - calculate next available wg interface. e.g. 100_64_0_1.conf => wg2
CNVPN_ALLOW_CUSTOM_INTERFACE=(False/True) - allow custom interface name parsed from clientpack file name. e.g. test.conf => test