
Admin Authentication

VNS3 provides both an API and a User Interface for management. You can also disable the UI.

Logging into the UI

Logging into the UI requires a username and password. The default user is “vnscubed”. The default password depends on the environment you’ve launched into. Head over to the setup page for your environment for the default password.

Changing username and password

To change the username:

  1. From the left menu, Click on Admin Username
  2. Ender new Admin Username
  3. Click Change Username

To change the passwords (UI and API)

  1. From the left menu, Click on passwords
  2. Enter new passwords
  3. Click Change passwords
VNS3 Admin Username UI

Enter the new Admin Username and click Change username.

To edit your passwords, at the bottom of the left column menu, under Admin heading, click Passwords.

VNS3 Admin Passwords UI

Enter the new Web UI password in the first two fields and/or the new API password in the last two fields and click Change password(s).

Authenticating API requests

The API uses basic authentication or API token authentication:

curl -X GET -u api:myapipassword

You can programmatically create API tokens for use with the API.

curl -X GET -H 'Api-Token: abcdefghijklmnop'

You can update UI credentials with the PUT /admin_ui endpoint and the API password with the PUT /api_password endpoint.