
Getting Started with the VNS3 Plugin System

Proxy64 is deployed to VNS3 using the Plugin System. Please be familiar with the VNS3 Plug-In Configuration Guide.

What does it do?

Proxy64 is a NAT64+DNS64 plugin for VNS3, providing IPv6-only subnets with connectivity to the IPv4 Internet.

The well-known prefix for Internet NAT64 (defined by RFC6052), 64:ff9b::/96, is configured by default. RFC8215 defines the NAT64 range for so-called “private internets” to be 64:ff9b:1::/48.

The practical distinction is that publicly-unroutable IPv4 addresses (such as private, multicast, CGNAT, example, and documentation spaces) will not be mapped from the range 64:ff9b::/96. Any mappings to these spaces must be done using a range from 64:ff9b:1::/48 space. For example, a packet sent to Proxy64 with the destination 64:ff9b:: would be discarded.

NOTE: The Proxy64 plugin currently does not support RFC8215, and will only perform its function for destinations which map to a publicly-routable IPv4 address. A future version will support this functionality; please contact if you have a need.

What does it need?

  • An IPv6 prefix from which IPv4 destinations can be mapped. The default is suitable for nearly all use-cases.
  • Routes in your cloud environment and in VNS3 directing such IPv6 traffic to the Proxy64 plugin.
  • IPv4 Internet connectivity supplied by VNS3 using the firewall.
  • TCP and UDP port 53 accessibility by all hosts wishing to use the plugin; typically this takes the form of a DNAT firewall rule in VNS3.


Environmental setup

  • Add route(s) to your cloud subnet(s) or otherwise provide for routing of your chosen prefix to the VNS3 instance. If you are using VNS3’s Overlay Network, a Route Advertisement for the prefix is sufficient.
  • Ensure traffic from your intended subnet is allowed to reach VNS3 in your cloud security groups; this is not necessary if your hosts use the VNS3 Overlay Network or if traffic arrives to VNS3 on a tunneled connection.
  • Configure your hosts to use your VNS3 controller’s IPv6 address for DNS. These requests will be NATed to the Proxy64 plugin, which responds with a mapped address if no IPv6 AAAA record is available.

Launching the plugin

  • Import the image from the Plugin Catalog (or manually using this URL: LINK)
  • Launch an instance of the Plugin; take note of the IPv4/6 addresses for the following steps. We will assume and 2001:db8::c633:6405 for the rest of this guide.
  • Add an Interface Route to VNS3 for 64:ff9b::/96 (or your chosen prefix), with the plugin instance’s IPv6 address as the Gateway.
  • Install the following firewall rules to VNS3 (some modification may be required to fit your use case):

IPv4 rules:

# Allow Proxy64 plugin to reach Internet
FORWARD -i plugin0 -s -j ACCEPT
# SNAT Proxy64 plugin to VNS3's primary eth0 address

IPv6 rules:

# NAT incoming tcp DNS requests to the Proxy64 plugin
PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 53 -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DNAT --to 2001:db8::c633:6405:53
# NAT incoming udp DNS requests to the Proxy64 plugin
PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DNAT --to 2001:db8::c633:6405:53
# Allow NAT64 traffic to reach plugin network
FORWARD -d 64:ff9b::/96 -o plugin0 -j ACCEPT

Testing functionality

Your IPv6-only hosts should now be able to:

  • Reach mapped addresses without DNS; i.e., ping6 64:ff9b::
  • Receive mapped DNS resolutions within the 64:ff9b::/96 prefix range for IPv4-only sites; i.e., dig AAAA or nslookup -type=aaaa